Synopsis: An epic battle was taking place for more than several hundred years between two countries. One of them sent a specia...
Synopsis: Based on the game by Silky’s. A clever and ambitious man is able to take over a kingdom by cunningly forcing his way into the hear...
Synopsis: Genjo Sanzo is on a journey, he has to travel to India to retrieve the holy sutras. Along the way, he happens to free Goku, a sex-...
Synopsis: It is rumored, that a mysterious DVD exists and whoever dares to watch it, gets cursed. The first story centers around Akuno Mika ...
Synopsis: In response to life of the Emperor, it is a journey that is going to take the sutra that in the west of the End-guinea Sanzo. In ...
Synopsis: There is a world where humans and elves live together. Elves rule the world because of their intelligence and longevity. B...