Synopsis: There is a beautiful princess, Janne, in a beautiful country. She has a special ability in sword technique and magic. The...
Synopsis: One day, Minoru received an e-mail sending to the wrong address. It was the first accident. It was sent by a woman ...
Synopsis: Seiji lands a job as a corpse washer at a hospital. Soon after he is forced to take strange pills from the vice-direc...
Synopsis: This will appear to be a very disturbing animation to most. Designs by Murakami Teruaki, published by Soft by Demand ...
Synopsis: There is a spaceship called Victoire. It keeps winning and never loses. The ship is controlled by young and beautiful women, and t...
Synopsis: There is a spaceship called Victoire. It keeps winning and never loses. The ship is controlled by young and beautiful women, and t...
Synopsis: On a forbidden hospital ward, the head doctor performs madly erotic experiments, stripping the nursing staff of their uniforms, in...
Synopsis: he anime itself depicts teen-aged (and well endowed) school girls getting raped—by her teachers (the first episode), by some ...
Synopsis: A school engages in a strange event where a girl gets to become a comfort station every month. Anime Info: # Episodes: # Status: ...