Synopsis: The stage is set in an abandoned city called Amidahara, inhabited by monsters, criminals and armed refugees. There lives Annerose...
Synopsis: Carrera, Rati and Mercedes are three succubae demons who will grant any wish in exchange for a soul. Ogawa uses a summoning spell...
Synopsis: Moe and Bunta are chasing an enemy who holds the powerful and magical coin that can rule the kingdom. However, all three were acc...
Synopsis: Stuffing an old bag full of contents from a safe, Cruz hops on his motorcycle and faces an uncertain future. (Source: AniDB) ...
Synopsis: In this adult anime from Japan, a meteorite strikes Earth, and mayhem begins. Women are found murdered all over Japan, and the e...
Synopsis: Lieri Bishop, an up-and-coming New Solars Commander and her aide, Major Naomi Evans board a battleship to earth to report the Neo ...
Synopsis: With the help from a mysterious creature, Elena turned herself into a magical girl to beat Zoid, a tentacle monster to save her s...
Synopsis: Mie happened to pick up medicine that an old man dropped. When he took the medicine, his figure disappeared. Soon he went to a pu...
Synopsis: Based on the game by Crossnet-Pie. On spring break, Daisuke is excited for his vacation on a tropical island for so...
Synopsis: The shadow of the Geists, space-time invaders, is growing at the Academy. The secret wars between the creatures of different dimen...
Synopsis: Based on H-game: Kyonyuu Majo produced by Waffle. Anime Info: # Episodes : 2 # Status : Finished Airing # Date Aired : Sep 16, ...
Synopsis: Hentai animation based on a h-game created by Undermoon studio. Anime Info: # Episodes : 2 # Status : Finished Airing # Date Aire...
Synopsis: Sweat-soaked bodies writhe in passion as a nurse and a doctor plot to murder the nurse`s young ward; meanwhile, a young man endu...
Synopsis: There is a world where humans and elves live together. Elves rule the world because of their intelligence and longevity. But one ...
Synopsis: Cain Asbell was an unremarkable guy until he rescued Princess Charlotte. He goes from pauper to Lord, but there's a catch. Ca...