Synopsis: akumi just cannot stop fantasizing about Saki-senpai, her voluptuous body just stands out anywhere. One day she tal...
Synopsis: A boy named similar to Zhuge Liang, from Romance of Three Kingdoms meets a girl who believe that she's a desen...
Synopsis: Story about how each popular girls in high school ended up having sex with some of the less popular guys. Each of t...
Synopsis: Shinta is just an average student. But one day, a tentacle-shaped alien suddenly parasitizes in his penis. Shinta c...
Synopsis: Four years have passed since the initial outbreak of the Unknown virus epidemic, and the terrifying plague which depo...
Synopsis: Two young princess with different experience at life and also different tastes, one is a total nympho that loves to have a male co...
Synopsis: The other day, when I was reading an adult book, I thought, “I can tell whose breasts they are by just looking at them. Well, am I...
Synopsis: The three main characters Marina, Airi and their stepfather try to adjust their current setting of an open adult relations...
Synopsis: An average boy receives one day a special camera from a mysterious, massively-endowed girl in a bunny suit. This camera ha...
Synopsis: Based on the visual novel by Waffle. Sanjou Maki is the girl living next door to Sakonji Seiichi. She appears to be...
Synopsis: Anime Info: # Episodes: 1 # Status: Finished Airing #Aired: #Genres: Hentai Encode Info: Type : Mkv ...
Synopsis: The player takes the role of Mochizuki Tomoya, a guy that lives on his own with only a day job at a convenience store keeping him ...
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