Synopsis: ible Black Only explores the sexual misadventures of the supporting cast from the main Bible Black series. Miss Taka...
Synopsis: rom the authors of Bible Black and Discipline comes this new OVA based on a game with the same name. When their fa...
Synopsis: Twelve years prior to it’s discovery by Minase, the origins of the magic book with dark,sensuous powers is revealed. Initially own...
Synopsis: Murakoshi Shinta is an extraordinary student at an ordinary high school. Every student hates him, also teachers and pare...
Synopsis: The story about a school where all teaching staff – sexual maniacs. Coming to power, demure-teacher succumbed to the temptations o...
Synopsis: Based on an adult PC game by Courreges Ace. Anime Info: # Episodes: 1 # Status: Finished Airing #Aired: #Ge...
Synopsis: Minase, a high school student, found a book of magic in an isolated room in his school. He started practicing black magic ...
Synopsis: Lewd eyes from all directions.... Atsuko has just moved to a town to work as a teacher. She looks forward to her new life there, b...
Synopsis: An earthquake causes the school campus to collapse leaving only 4 survivors alive; 2 childhood friends, Fubuki & Shinichi with...
Synopsis: A pair of high school girls, who think they can handle trouble, try to keep the punks in line at their school and discover they ar...
Synopsis: Mihama Academy - on the surface, a closed learning environment established to nurture students who find themselves at odds with th...
Synopsis: Takashi is a teacher. One day, two new students come to his class, Shizuka and Satsuki. Shizuka is friendly and Satsuki is quiet. ...
Synopsis: Ryuya has an older sister, Miya. He lives a peaceful school life with his friends. But one day, he and his friends accidentally dr...