Synopsis: How the students and teachers become intimate and end up having physical relationships. Anime Info: #...
Synopsis: Takumi lives next to Mizuki and Satsuki's house. They have been good friends since they were kids, going shoppi...
Synopsis: Based on the manga by Yasui Riosuke. Contains minimal animation. Anime Info: # Episodes:1 # Status:...
Synopsis: Kubo Masaru was seriously injured and became unconscious while he was practicing boxing. Fortunately, he recovered from the injury...
Synopsis: A Long time ago, a curse was cast upon the Rindo family. The curse: the family could only give birth to girls. The only way to tem...
Synopsis: * Based on the game by Buruge on Demand (label of Blue Gale).Naoto, a young guy with a thing for busty women, and he i...
Synopsis: Jun is in his second year of high school. He loves a female teacher, Keiko, though she is much older than him. He joins a ...
Synopsis: Kasuga Serina is a cheerful girl and enjoys her school life. One day, she meets a handsome transfer student, Yukimura Yukinojo, wh...
Synopsis: * Based on the game by Buruge on Demand (label of Blue Gale). Naoto, a young guy with a thing for busty women, and he is the lucki...
Synopsis: Episode 1(Sayaka): Dramatic Tension leads to sexual release! Sayaka Shirakawa is the daughter of an art professor who specializes ...