Synopsis: The main character is a senior who attends Rinin High School; the only school among the mountain town of Rinin City. The main char...
Synopsis: The staff members of a certain hentai producing company get personally involved in their work. Perhaps a little too involved as s...
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Synopsis: "Yuichi feels lost and alone – until two seductive women offer him comfort! He can`t choose between these lovely ladies, and...
Synopsis: Stuffing an old bag full of contents from a safe, Cruz hops on his motorcycle and faces an uncertain future. (Source: AniDB) ...
Synopsis: The first story is about an unnamed schoolgirl who has heard a lot about sex, but lacks any experience whatsoever. Interested in...
Synopsis: Kyoko was found at the scene of a brutal murder by chief inspector Kaoru. Due to the shock of the incident, Kyoko has lost her m...
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Synopsis: When nurse-in-training Yumi reports for duty, she's confronted with an erotic lesson plan that leaves nothing to the imaginat...
Synopsis: There is a secret club that holds an auction of virgins. They are unmistakably virgins checked their bodies by a sadistic woman d...
Synopsis: The invisible stud returns to cause more mischief and spy on beautiful girls! Is Mie behind this again? His boss hears the invisi...
Synopsis: Morimoto Leona and Otokawa Saori are newly arrived boarding students at St. Alcadia Academy. Morimoto Leona desires...
Synopsis: My husband, Keiichiro, was struck down by illness. Mr. Noyama, our family doctor, said he would need to have a rest for a while....
Synopsis: Fukaya accidentally breaks Fujino's vibrator so he takes her to a sex shop to get another. While there, they have passionat...