Synopsis: A war is being fought between the goddesses of dark and light. While the former try to steal the jewels from innocen...
Synopsis: A female mecha knight team is stranded behind enemy lines. They are in for a dangerous and titillating experience. ...
Synopsis: 2039, Tokyo. Special agent Kaoru Mikogami is saddled with an unwanted partner; American-made military cyborg Alice who ha...
Synopsis: There is a spaceship called Victoire. It keeps winning and never loses. The ship is controlled by young and beautiful women, and t...
Synopsis: For Mikura, danger is routine and killing is just like breathing. Sleek and sexy, she was born with a gun in each hand and a smile...
Synopsis: Jun is a comic artist who is never afraid to put in a hard day of work. Naturally, he authors pornographic comics. He’s been giv...
Synopsis: "Jun Kitano is a hentai manga artist who just got married to his long-time assistant Miyuki. One day, a chief editor named So...
Synopsis: There is a spaceship called Victoire. It keeps winning and never loses. The ship is controlled by young and beautiful women, and t...
Synopsis: 2039, Tokyo. Special agent Kaoru Mikogami is saddled with an unwanted partner; American-made military cyborg Alice who has been se...
Synopsis: When her family is overthrown in a coup d'état, Princess Mayuka is sent to Earth to recharge the Ultimate Weapon. After studyi...