Synopsis: Kanzaki Aoi is a popular high school idol who has a love relationship with her childhood friend and next door neighbor...
.Synopsis: Reiji is a private detective. One day, he receives a strange offer from a girl, “Please look for… me. True me.” At that time, a s...
Synopsis: Lewd eyes from all directions.... Atsuko has just moved to a town to work as a teacher. She looks forward to her new life there, b...
Synopsis: 10 years after losing the war, the city of Tokyo is still in the midst of being rebuilt. Within that city, strange recurrent incid...
Synopsis: * Based on a game by Guilty. Mochidzuki Yuuki and company are cut-off during a trip to an island training camp when civil war erup...
Synopsis: "If you can get power strong enough to make the world at you own will, what will you do?" Kadomori Shizuku left a myster...
Synopsis: Raika’s brother died suddenly. She changed to her brother’s schoo (all-boy school), so she could to find why he committed suicide....
Synopsis: Kaoru is a high school student. He has an old friend, Nanao, at the same school. She has been giving him sexually insulting orders...
Synopsis: Episode 1(Sayaka): Dramatic Tension leads to sexual release! Sayaka Shirakawa is the daughter of an art professor who specializes ...
Synopsis: Based on the erotic game “Toriko Hime – Hakudaku Mamire no ReijÅ” by Guilty. Minase Shizuru is the daughter of a rich politician. ...