Synopsis: Waitress Tamaki has sex with her playmate Kurono at the café she works for. Ignorant of their relationship, their c...
Synopsis: its good Anime Info: # Episodes:2 # Status: Finished Airing #Aired: #Genres: Hentai Encode Info...
Synopsis: Everyone knows that the family that plays together, stays together. Especially when it's a sleazy family! Masaru walks in on h...
Synopsis: There is a coffee shop "Sakurai" at a small shopping arcade owned by a beautiful widow, Sakurako. The number of custome...
Synopsis: There`s a coffee shop that attracts a lot of customers, but not because of the coffe, but because of the waitresses who are all m...
Synopsis: Based on the game by Crossnet-Pie. On spring break, Daisuke is excited for his vacation on a tropical island for so...