Synopsis: On spring break, Daisuke is excited for his vacation on a tropical island for some well deserved relaxation and girl watching. He...
Synopsis: Takumi lives next to Mizuki and Satsuki's house. They have been good friends since they were kids, going shoppi...
Synopsis: Will, an orphan originally from Little Monica, a city of culture and arts, returns to a place he hasn't been in since...
Septem Charm Magical Kanan | Septem Charm Magical Kanan: SP Summer Camp! ~ ~ Magical Kanan: Summer Cam Uncensored
Synopsis: A magical creature went to the normal world to retrive some seeds. He lost his power and fainted. A girl found him and took him ho...
Synopsis: On spring break, Daisuke is excited for his vacation on a tropical island for some well deserved relaxation and girl wat...
Synopsis: Shinya is the manager of a small coffee house staffed by his twin stepsisters Chiyori and Chika. When a franchise for a large cafe...
Synopsis: By a sudden order from this father, Shuta happened to work as the manager of the family restaurant, A la mode. There Nishino Purin...